Here is a picture of the fabric and pattern I am using....the fabric is different isn't it lol lol.....I have washed and pressed it ready for cutting out, I won't do that today because I may be going out later. When I saw this fabric made up it was a child's duvet cover.....lol lol......I hope it turns out alright, if it doesn't I can wear it to craft in....Willow thought it would be lovely made into a tote bag.
When I cut this out I will have to make sure I match the pattern fronts, so I won't have to put right sides of the fabric together when I cut it out, I will have to open the fabric out and cut out on the right side, one pattern piece at a time to make sure it matches.
this fabric is beautiful, what is the make of it? Also, hoping you will show the finished article!
Hi Deb
This fabric is made of cotton and is from L. Ashley I am glad you like it.
I don't normally make clothes from furnishing fabric but this is a very lightweight fabric, anyway I liked the design.
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