Sunday, 25 November 2007

Top and fabric

Here is the Sandra Betzina top and the fabric I am using.

This is just a test for the fit of the pattern, the fabric only cost me just under £4.00 so it is worth it not to spoil good fabric trying to get the fit right. This design of fabric is different to what I would usually buy but I thought the colours were quite pretty, if it isn't good enough to wear I will throw it away after I have taken note of the adjustments. I haven't worked on knit fabrics all that much and I know they are quite tricky and they tend stretch quite a bit when working on them. I have got a basic overlocker which I have had forever, the hems worry me a bit because I haven't got a cover stich machine, so I will just take my time and make the right decisions as to what to use to get the look I want.

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