I am my own worse critic and I don't need anyone to tell me my work just isn't good enough. I am trying .........not succeeding some of the time.......to go for quality and not quantity. I haven't got a lot of time to sew, but I really do enjoy it and with my kind of lifestyle I don't need lots of clothes. So I am trying to perfect my sewing. I thought I would take a few pictures of some of the things that need some practise. The picture above is of the finished closures of my waistband, not too bad to look at.
I have lightened this picture so you can see what a mess this buttonhole is.....this buttonhole at the pointed end of my waistband gives me a huge amount of grief......I think it is bulky in that area and my machine doesn't like it....I will have put up or shut up on this one.

Here is the same buttonhole after it has been tidied up. I put a double layer of stitch and tear underneath before I stitched my buttonhole....when I cut it open the white from the stitch and tear can be seen........I then took a blue marker and coloured in the white bits, this isn't my idea I read it somewhere. It doesn't look too bad now. I think if you sew you have to be an expert at covering up mistakes because you just can't be perfect.

This hook should go into the waistband and only the end bit should be seen, I will have to practise this one, I am frightened I spoil my waistband altogether if I try it on the actual garment.

This is the inside of my waist band which was stitched both top and bottom by hand. I have to search for my sanity on this one because it takes hours to do. Hemming stitches along the bottom into every machine stitch and felling along the top of the waistband.......it makes for a non bulky waistband but it is an awful lot of work, I need to try something different.
I only have the hems to do now but I have to go grocery shopping this afternoon.......not my favourite activity......maybe I can get somthing done tonight.
Happy sewing
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