My name is Sandra and I'm a crafter.
I have crafted all of my life doing one thing or another...I can remember my mother teaching me to knit..... and I was knitting my dolls clothes when I was eight years old. I have dabbled in...dressmaking, knitting, crochet, patchwork, soft furnishings, machine embroidery, heirloom sewing and all that it involves, and now paper crafting and all that it involves. I have got to do something crafty otherwise I feel as if there is something missing in my life, I'm sure all crafters feel the same, it's like an addiction and I can't help myself. Sometimes crafting makes your life miserable because you want to get on crafting and there are chores to be done, a meal to be made or errand to run and they are a pain when all you want to do is sit and create.....
at the moment I am designing a collection of Framies......these are little frames 5cm x 5cm with a miniature image inserted into the centre, they are very cute...well I think they are lol lol.
Oh I forgot to say my daughter is the designer in our family and I help her, we have a small business that we run together.
I was giving my craft room a much need tidy this morning and I was listening to the Beatles new cd Love....I thoroughly enjoyed it.....it brought back memories of my teenage years and tidying my room didn't seem so bad...I am all organised now and ready to make a mess again lol lol

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