Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Pyramid Box

I have been trying to make a pyramid box tonight to match my mothers day card.....I have bought a book for my mum for mother's day (the book is about old fashioned remedies) so it won't fit into the box lol lol, but I thought I might find something to put into it even if it's a few chocolates.....I will photograph it tomorrow.....I also think I might try a waterfall card at some point.
I am left handed you know, and for years I have cut things out with right handed scissors.....I then discovered left handed scissors and I couldn't believe how easy it was to cut out, I didn't have to tilt my neck in the most uncomfortable position to cut something out. The thing is I am using small scissors for paper craft and I find I can't stick to the line I am cutting on and I think small scissors are right handed so Dougy (my lovely hubby) is cutting my stuff out for me.....bless him.

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